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From July 2018, you can access the SSH terminal directly from your cPanel account (ask us first to enable SSH in your account), see 'Advanced' section in your cPanel, then click 'Terminal' icon. With Putty : 1. SSH default port with us is 4231 2. To connect, find your IP (also called host in putty settings), from your cPanel, see column top right : "General Informations", IP is either under 'Shared IP Address' or 'Dedicated IP Address'For SSH/SFTP, if occasional use, you can go with password authentication or with keys...For more intensive use, we recommend the use of setting up your keys and setup Putty/cpanel which requires a little more complicated setup below : Method for keys : 1. Log in your cPanel 2. Section 'Security', click on 'SSH Access'3. Click on manage 'SSH keys', and after 'Generate a new key'4. Default name of new key is 'id_rsa', leave it or update it if you wish, insert 2 times a password, leave key type to value RSA, for Key Size : 4096, Click on 'Generate a Key', and click down the page on 'Go Back'4.bis : if you want to connect via SSH without having to type the password of the key, you must use PuTTYgen, generate a public key and a private key, back up, and import the public key by copy-paste from putty generator window directly to your cPanel import key section (private key is only for your computer), and follow the points 5,7,8,9,10Help : 5. In 'Public Keys', click on the right on 'Manage', and click 'Authorize', and click down the page on 'Go Back'6. In 'Private Keys', click on 'View/Download', go down the page to 'Convert the key 'id_rasXXX' to PPK format', put the password created at point 4, and click on 'Convert', and click 'Download key' = save it on your computer7. Download putty.exe : start Putty8. You see a 'Category' section on left of Putty window, go directly to 'Connection'/'SSH'/'Auth', click on 'Browse', find the file of your key downloaded to your computer in point 6, and click 'Open'9. Always in Putty, go now to 'Session', in 'Host Name', put your shared or dedicated IP number, for 'Port' : 4231, 'Connection Type' leave SSH, and 'Saved sessions' : give a name to this connection, and click 'Save'10. We are nearly done ! : now click on the 'name of session' you just saved, and click 'Load', a black window appear, now enter your cpanel login username, press 'enter' on your keyboard, it will tell you after 'Authenticating with public key...', enter the password of your key created in point 6, press 'enter' on your keyboard, you are now logged in ! NB :- If you have to paste your key password at each connection, just know that the past function in the SSH terminal is working by doing a right click on your mouse and click enter- it is normal that nothing appears when you type a password- delete your private key from your cpanel account+ For resellers wanting SSH on a customer accountIn order not to open the SSH on all your accounts when creating your packages, you must create a clone of the concerned package with the SSH option enabled, and change the plan for the relevant account
From July 2018, you can access the SSH terminal directly from your cPanel account (ask us first to enable SSH in your account), see 'Advanced' section in your cPanel, then click 'Terminal' icon.
With Putty :
1. SSH default port with us is 4231
2. To connect, find your IP (also called host in putty settings), from your cPanel, see column top right : "General Informations", IP is either under 'Shared IP Address' or 'Dedicated IP Address'For SSH/SFTP, if occasional use, you can go with password authentication or with keys...For more intensive use, we recommend the use of setting up your keys and setup Putty/cpanel which requires a little more complicated setup below :
Method for keys :
1. Log in your cPanel
For resellers wanting SSH on a customer accountIn order not to open the SSH on all your accounts when creating your packages, you must create a clone of the concerned package with the SSH option enabled, and change the plan for the relevant account
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