Activation of nginx cache


We have 2 cache versions to propose : Micro-caching with short validity of 5 minutes, and pure caching with validity of 1 day. If you get issues after activating cache like update/displays, follow procedure to get back to default profile 'YOORshop default'.

Nginx cache will cache javascript/image/html by ranges of 12-24 hours, and it does not replace your internal cache system, it complements it. Also it does not replace opcache caching.. You may need to activate nginx cache when you have a lot of visitors, this means more than 10 every second... Note that authenticated sessions with cookies are naturally excluded.

Change your nginx profile, go in your cpanel, in section 'Nginx', click on 'Nginx-Manager'

Nginx cPanel plugin

Choose first your domain and click 'Configure'
To change profile, see line 'PROXY', you must click 'Select'
Leave httpd, and see dropdown list : 'Temaplte'
Choose for microcache profile : 'YOORshop with microcache', and for 1 day cache 'YOORshop cached', and click 'Update'

If you any encounter problems after cache activation as cache will be updated after several hours only, we won't be able to solve/adjust anything, just revert back and that's all...


Warning :
Please do not play with other not recommended templates/settings, because they are not set optimally, contact us for any questions