12th Jul 2024 - Crawling bots delay mitigation

Hi all,

We remarked in last months that many crawling bots from Microsoft, Google or other similar, were pretty agressive when crawling websites, even causing high resource usage of accounts, whereas it should not be the case.

The tip, is to insert a delay in your robots.txt file, add "Crawl-delay: 5", just below existing line : "User-agent: * ", this will tell robots to crawl your site with a 5 seconds delay between each page :

It should looks as follow :

User-agent: *

Crawl-delay: 5

Best regards,

YOORshop Team

10th Jun 2024 - .com extension price increase

Good morning,

Following the increase of the institution managing the .com, we are reporting this minimal increase on our displayed and invoiced prices from €10.95 excluding tax to €11.49 excluding tax

The YOORshop team

29th Apr 2024 - Reserve a domain name by backorder

Good morning,

We are writing a short article to help those who have lost a domain and want to get it back.

Sure to book it with a budget of €60 or more depending on the domain :

=> Use the services of NameJet.com, absolutely go to private auctions to avoid showing that you want the domain to other potential buyers.


YOORshop Team

4th Feb 2024 - End of L2TP VPN service

Good morning,

Due to the underutilization of this service, its maintenance costs, and the fact that anonymization functions are gradually integrated into web browsers, it no longer appears necessary to offer such a service.


YOORshop Team